10 Things Effective People Do 

You all have  the same advantage: you can control what you do each day. You can maximize your productivity, or you can slack. In many cases, you are the only one who knows when you are falling short of your optimal performance level. It’s surprising how many managers are clueless regarding the difference between mediocrity and excellence.

Effective people have a secret to success. In fact, it’s not really a secret. You probably already know many of the habits of top performers. The secret, of course, is to take action. You must keep your foot on the gas pedal, and keep the pace until you take flight.

Here are 10 things that effective people do …

  1. They get going early in the day. Sam Walton arrived to work at 3 a.m. I understand that is way too early for most people, but you must get an early start. Good business takes place bright and early.
  1. They take bad news and other lumps in stride. As you progress up the ladder, you will be in the line of fire. Remember that what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.
  1. They have a long-term perspective. You must stop thinking about short-term gains, and focus on building a foundation for success.
  1. They avoid the petty stuff. It’s counterproductive to spread rumors, talk bad about colleagues, or waste your time criticizing management. It’s much better to focus on meaningful results.
  1. They are always professional. You cannot lose your cool. You want others to describe you as a “professional person.” Receiving that compliment means you have reached an important milestone. Leverage it!
  1. They focus on the key result areas (KRAs). When in your next meeting, observe how the leaders of your organization focus on the important issues. They have the ability to identify the root cause. In other words, they are professional problem solvers.
  1. They treat others with respect. It’s erroneous to think you are better than others. While you might have accomplished more in certain areas, you must always appreciate what others bring to the table.
  1. They are humble. The fact is that nobody knows everything. You must be open to working in teams. When you put your mind together with others, you can tackle enormous projects, which lead to huge benefits for the organization.
  1. They confront problems. You must address issues or problems immediately. The excellent performers are mindful that a small problem can escalate. Taking a proactive approach is preferred.
  1. They are committed to sharing the wealth. You must reward those who do well. You are not solely responsible for the big accomplishments. You must be humble, and praise others publicly and privately when they contribute to your initiatives.

Successful people are extraordinary in the sense that they understand the importance of knowledge gathering, commitment, and humility. The process to greatness is known, but realizing it requires significant effort.

Developing good habits takes more work than most are willing to commit. However, for the top 10%, this commitment is unwavering.