I was recently going through notes I jotted down from a leadership class, and one highlighted statement caught my attention:
“You don’t have to wait for a tap on your shoulder.”
Waiting is Easy
Many people are unaware that inaction or inertia carries significant risk, such as with the following examples:
Month: October 2020
Recently, I heard a newscaster reference the term “VIP Syndrome,” which has its origin in healthcare. From what I gathered in my research of the topic, the term pertains to how a patient’s VIP status impacts the medical decisions being made for that individual. For example, if that person is rich and famous, the doctors may acquiesce to treatment demands from the VIP.
Given I’m not a medical professional, it’s probably best to stay out of the healthcare domain.

Recently, I was reading an article which focused on the state of affairs of the travel industry given the Covid pandemic. I came across an assessment from a tourism analyst about the significant impact caused by this infectious disease on air travel, hotels, and entertainment locations.
He said: “The industry was roaring and had a 10-year run where demand exceeded supply, and people got greedy. Now suddenly a crowbar has been stuck in the flywheel …”