While reading a book on leadership, I came across an interesting point made by the author regarding the value of surrounding ourselves with people who are committed to helping us succeed.
Of course, it’s important to know that a two-way street exists here. That is, before we can expect others to provide guidance and assistance, we must be prepared to do our part as well.
The comment that I read went something like this …
“Having the strength and knowledge to do things alone is a myth.”
While driving one day, I heard a politician make the following comment: “It’s better to yell at the ocean than to drown in it!”
I’ve since forgotten the context of the discussion he was having with the anchorwoman, but his statement resonated with me.
Action Matters
I’m certain you have been to many meetings where there is robust discussion regarding an action plan for meeting company goals. In these meetings, the people are excited, and they wholeheartedly believe that change is about to happen.
And then … the meeting ends. The attendees return to their pressing work … mostly putting out fires.
What happened to the action plan? Who is going to spearhead the work?
Who is going to yell at the ocean?
By foregoing the action items, the company begins to take on more and more water, and eventually it will succumb to the competitive forces in the marketspace. Like the Titanic, the water will eventually flow into the mission-critical compartments of the organization, and the only options remaining are lifeboats and the bottom of the ocean.
Yes … this outcome affects even the largest companies. I’m sure you remember Kodak, Circuit City, Enron, and Pets.com.
Yell! Action! Yell! Action!
I think you get the point here … do something!
The most successful companies hire people who are mostly focused on action. Of course, planning matters, but elaborate plans that have no follow-through are useless.
Let’s consider the following scenario …
MANAGER: “Okay, we have several excellent ideas regarding how to improve our customer service. Let’s brainstorm what we should do next.”
BILL: Yeah … that is awesome! I think we should create some type of plan and make sure we have 100% clarity before taking action. We can discuss these options for the next month or so. Once we know exactly what is possible, we can ask people to volunteer for the project. I like it!
Melanie: “I think Bill makes a good point here. However, I recommend we prioritize one of the action items and start working on it right away. By taking this approach, we can determine what is possible and get some momentum at the same time.”
Based on this scenario, which meeting participant do you think needs the life vest?
Right … Bill is treading water, and eventually he will need someone to pull him back to the shore.
Melanie, on the other hand, is action-oriented. She is not guaranteeing that the work performed will yield a successful outcome. Instead, she wants the work to begin. By doing so, the team is generating value, collecting feedback, and making changes based on what they are learning.
The concept I’m describing here is the Agile mindset. It works because the focus is on planning just enough to start doing work. The opposite is waiting until the situation is perfect, which will never happen.
Is there a Magic Formula to Success?
However, there’s no doubt that action is a key variable for any successful equation. Know that failure is an option when any action is taken, and that’s part of the game.
The alternative is to take a passive approach and to hope for the best. Do you remember Blockbuster?
When stuff fails to go our way, the knee-jerk reaction is to complain about the situation. Surely … it’s someone else’s fault that we fell short.
For some people, a failure, even when minor, is enough to stop them from trying anymore. It’s far better to stay in their comfort zone where failing is unlikely to happen.
Think about it … it’s hard to fail when one does nothing.
I was recently reminded of a story that took place while growing up in a rural and small town of Southwest Kansas. Yes … this is the type of town where everyone waves at each other, the doors to cars and houses are often left unlocked, and the sole traffic light flashes yellow.
The story is about a farm boy named Cody, who was a junior in high school. After a year or so of saving money along with a notable contribution from his father, Cody was able to purchase his first car, a used Ford Mustang.
Recently, I heard a newscaster reference the term “VIP Syndrome,” which has its origin in healthcare. From what I gathered in my research of the topic, the term pertains to how a patient’s VIP status impacts the medical decisions being made for that individual. For example, if that person is rich and famous, the doctors may acquiesce to treatment demands from the VIP.
Given I’m not a medical professional, it’s probably best to stay out of the healthcare domain.
Recently, I was reading an article which focused on the state of affairs of the travel industry given the Covid pandemic. I came across an assessment from a tourism analyst about the significant impact caused by this infectious disease on air travel, hotels, and entertainment locations.
He said: “The industry was roaring and had a 10-year run where demand exceeded supply, and people got greedy. Now suddenly a crowbar has been stuck in the flywheel …”
Recently, I was working on a huge project that was consuming so much of my time and energy. In fact, for a week or so, I talked myself out of starting it!
I knew it was going to be tough! I didn’t even know how to plan it. There were many moving parts, and I would need help from subject matter experts (SMEs). I noticed that the more days I failed to start, the more anxiety it caused in me. I tried to focus on other work, some of it pressing, but in the back of my mind, I knew if I did not start the project, no one else would.