While traveling to San Jose, Costa Rica, I decided to attend the Saturday Mass at San Rafael Arcángel Catholic Church. I was flying home on Sunday, which would make it difficult to arrive in San Antonio on time for church, so the Saturday option worked out great.
Fr. Henry had a terrific homily focused on accepting God. He mentioned that it did not matter why we had turned our backs to God in the past. He was clear we all had a chance on this day to make the right choice.
He said, “The time is now!”

The Mass was in Spanish, which meant I had to listen carefully to catch the message. Also, Costa Rican Spanish is a unique dialect, making it a bit different from the Spanish we speak in South Texas. If you think about it, the message is simple. We need to decide now that we want a better life, whether it is to bring God into our lives, change careers, or begin an exercise program. Fr. Henry reminded me that talking a big game about how I will someday do something is only just that … talking. Instead, to experience a better life, it is important I commit to doing something different now, even if it will be challenging. The Time Is Now Here are some examples of how Fr. Henry’s message applies to me … For many years, I bragged about how vacations were for wimps. I wanted everyone to know I could outwork them. Where did this get me? Not very far because overworking made life difficult for my wife and kids. Today, however, I work a normal 40-hour week. I make sure to put all the important family events on my calendar, and they take priority. I remember the many conversations I had with my wife and friends about how I wanted to volunteer my time to good causes, especially parish ministries. However, when the opportunities presented themselves, I turned them down. I had a ton of excuses, such as business travel, doctoral studies, and so on. Several years ago, however, I accepted a couple of invitations to get involved with volunteer programs, and it has changed my life. The beautiful takeaway here is that I spend more time thinking about how I can serve others, and I am less concerned about what I will get in return. As I waited the 7 minutes for the Uber driver after Mass, another realization came to mind. That is, Fr. Henry has undoubtedly given this homily many times. I’m sure he repeats himself over and over because some of us missed the message in the past. He knows someone like me might someday be in the right place at the right time to heed this important advice. Even though I was only able to grasp about 80% of the Spanish, what really mattered to me is I felt 100% of the presence of the Lord, and it is clear the time is now to be a better husband, father, friend, and colleague. |